Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Are We Passively Allowing Technology to Advance too Greatly?

At this stage of our lives I believe that it is evident that we (as post-secondary students) have seen a lot of advancement in regards to technological development. No only have we personally witnessed and experimented with the changes of cellular devices, computers or laptops, and programs. With this in mind we’ve been able to see technology updating to constantly be encouraged to be more autonomous acting in society. This is visible in society through many applications in which individuals rely on the services of an automated technology to be used in order to accomplished our desired goals or tasks. For example, the finance industry use pre-programmed algorithms to monitor the spending and usage of credit cards in order to detect possible fraud quickly and efficiently. 

Within his writing Fisher mentions the works of many scholars who depict this transformation of technology to be similar to the evolution of human beings. This theory continues to form into technology being predicted to progress more than humans ever could as they are self creating. Ultimately, forming a concern of technological intelligence overcoming the human race. In response it is said that humans must begin to prepare to counter the technology evolution by in fact creating human-robot beings. Although it could be debated that yes technology can be seen to evolve similar to humans, and that society has seen technology overtake humans through employment opportunities, how far could this actually go? 

Sharon Gaudin wrote an article for ComputerWorld which depicts the worries of many in regards to the possibility of ‘robots taking over humans’, and below the article within the comments section an individual posted;

“I think that, as robots/AI does more and more for us we will slowly turn into uneducated blobs like in the movie Wall-E.” - DarthaDana 
Do you feel as though technology advancing is from the technologies ability to evolve and thus eventually take over humans in an savage manner? Or do you feel a technology's advancement is more linked to humans becoming passive in regards to the completion of tasks, thus allowing for technology to dominate? 

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